Francon Foundation
Our Mission is to support positive-impact initiatives that energize future leaders and elevate human dignity.
We aim to leverage the history and strength of these communities to uplift the next generation of leaders.
We support our communities via unique partnerships and educational programs, as well as scholarships and grants.
Recent Initiatives
Baruch Spinoza Scholarship at Oxford's Wolfson College
Wolfson College is pleased to announce the creation of the Baruch Spinoza Scholarship in Physics. This scholarship has been made possible thanks to a generous gift from Dr. Matthew C. Levy, a Wolfson alumnus. This scholarship is intended to honour Sir Isaiah Berlin, the College’s founder and like Spinoza an influential philosopher. By offering it to a physicist, it is oriented to acknowledge the origination of physics as experimental philosophy, in the Oxford tradition. With a focus on organic photovoltaics, it matches Wolfson’s sustainability agenda.
Support of UC Berkeley's Helen Diller Institute
The Helen Diller Institute provides our nation’s future leaders with a rich academic forum for exploring the breadth and complexity of Israel and Jewish topics. The programs expose students to world-class thought leadership while fostering a community of faculty and peers to support them throughout their college experience. At a time when polarization is more severe than ever, we bring integrity, nuance, and grit to restore civil discourse, creating dynamic spaces where students and the wider community can thoughtfully exchange ideas on complicated, deep-seated subjects.
BIWOC Collective's Inaugural Event: Our Untold Stories
This BIWOC Collective Salon Series on “Our Untold Stories” is designed to provide an intimate experience with the Bay Area’s most inspiring women. Our first event featured Yoshie Akiba (founder of Yoshi's Jazz Club). These remarkable individuals have made a significant impact on our community in the midst of struggle and adversity.
Throughout the series, invited attendees will have the opportunity to hear from incredible women and learn more about their stories. We will also be showcasing Oakland entrepreneurs, making this a truly unique and memorable experience.
Our Strategy


Collaborate with existing community organizations, non-profits, and leaders who are already working towards similar goals. Building partnerships can help leverage resources and expertise.


Education & Awareness
Promote education and awareness within both communities about each other's history, culture, and struggles. This can help build bridges and promote understanding.


Scholarships & Grants
Establish scholarships and grants to support educational and leadership development opportunities for young people in both communities. This could include funding for college, leadership training programs, or entrepreneurial ventures.
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(C) 2023 Francon Foundation Limited, a registered charity with pending 501(c)(3) status.